C200 Respiratory improves lung capacity.
In addition, Capenergy tecartherapy treatment will help alleviate the symptoms of:
Respiratory pathology is an area of interest due to the large group of diseases it houses, the magnitude of these and the detriment to the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. One of Capenergy’s certified indications is asthma. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antalgic effects of Capenergy C200 Respiratory High Power Tecartherapy, it has managed to accommodate the respiratory specialty, and highlight the benefits that this therapy can bring to patients. Asthma, considered a reversible airflow obstruction, in which there is nonspecific bronchial hyperactivity and chronic inflammation, affects the airways. It has a prevalence that ranges between 1% – 18% worldwide, but in Spain 5% of the adult population and 10% of children are affected by asthma. This makes this pathology a group of interest. Asthma symptoms consist of the triad of dyspnea, cough, and wheezing. However, these patients will often be affected by other underlying symptoms such as insomnia, daytime fatigue, decreased activity, and absenteeism from school or work.
Manufacturers since 1984 of Medical Tecartherapy Equipment. The latest technology and innovation in the world with Medical Certificate 13485. Capenergy C200 Respiratory has certified asthma indication issued by SGS Notified Body.
This type of interventions with capacitive and resistive electrical transfer leads us to treat various aspects of the asthmatic patient: To begin with, it will act at the level of inflammation and the immune effect, that is the pathophysiological basis of asthma. Currently, and thanks to scientific evidence, we know that the composition of the mucosa of an asthmatic contains residues of inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils). Therefore, it will be one of the therapeutic targets of High Power Capenergy tecartherapy. In addition, it will have a favorable effect to provide a good trophism to the respiratory muscles, which will be highly affected, highlighting in the patient’s respiratory mechanics the need to use supplementary muscles to compensate for the deficit. High Power Tecartherapy will also be optimal for the treatment of fibrotic changes that occur at the pulmonary level, for vasoconstriction and fibrosing of the pulmonary alveoli. And as for changes in quality of life, tecartherapy will have an effect at the nervous system level in order to reduce the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Treatment with Tecartherapy CAPENERGY C200 Respirartory is harmless, well tolerated and with very few side effects.
Video Guide for Treatment of Respiratory Pathologies
Indicación TEcarterapia respiratoria
Treatment against respiratory pathologies
Thanks to the Capenergy C200 Respiratory machine, patients manage to improve their lung capacity from the first session.
In short, High Power Tecartherapy could be considered as the treatment against respiratory pathologies in patients, when the target is improving the normal bronchial capacity, as it occurs when applied in asthmatic people.
Effects of treatment
Thanks to Capenergy’s tecartherapy equipment, the bronchioles will be fully open to facilitate breathing, and will reduce the inflammation affecting lung conditions that the patient may have.
The effect of this treatment against respiratory pathologies is to free the patient’s lung passages.